广州市宝赞利服装机械有限公司是一家专业生产和经营服装整烫设备公司。 主要生产.经营布料预缩定型机系列,各种衬衣.西服定型机系列,专业粘朴.压烫机系列,真空抽湿烫床及吸线头机系列。代理有利牌燃气.燃油.电热锅炉系列等多种产品。 本公司有多年从事服装设备设计技术及生产经验,技术力量雄厚,产品质量保证,售前.售后服务一流,为客户提供优质产品,我们本着服务和不断创新精神,研制及开发新型设备来满足所有客户需要,盼与各界朋友真诚合作,以求共进!本公司恭祝各界朋友生意兴隆!财源广进! Guangzhou Bao Zan Li Tradung Co.,LTD. is a company specializing in apparel production and ironing equipment company. Major production and operations fabrics pre-shrinking series of stereotypes, post-mortem cloth, vol cloth series, professional Nien Park, hot-pressure campaign, Chou Shi hot bed and vacuum suction machine Xiantou series, all kinds of shirts, suits series of stereotypes, fuel , Gas, electric boiler series, and other products. The Company may request of manufacturers designing and developing various types of products, the company has many years engaged in garment production technology and equipment design experience, strong technical force, product quality assurance, pre-market, first-class service for our customers to provide quality products, we present In the spirit of service and constant innovation, development and the development of new equipment to meet all customer needs and hope all the friends and sincere cooperation, in order to together! We wish all the friends business is booming! Caiyuanguangjin! |